Edit Class

Screen Description

In the Class Edit screen, you can change a few properties of the class and enter preferences. The rules explaining how preferences are applied on classes are located in Application Of Preferences. Changes made to this screen are not saved until you click on the Update, Previous, or Next button.

Edit Class


The following fields are displayed in the upper part of the screen (below the name of the class):

In the Timetable part, you see the time, room and instructor assigned to this class (once a timetable has been created)

The text field in Requests / Notes to Schedule Manager is there for Requests/Notes for the manager who will timetable this class.

In the Instructors, the following information is displayed and can be edited


Time Preferences

Room Group Preferences

Room Preferences

Building Preferences

Room Feature Preferences



Room Groups vs. Room Features

The difference between room groups and room features is as follows: