Setting up UniTime on Windows
UniTime Version: 4.8

Table of Contents

1. Install Java 21

Download JDK 21 from h (a file named like jdk-21_windows-x64_bin.exe), start it up and follow the installation instructions.

Intalling Java on Windows

Hit Next

Intalling Java on Windows

Leave as it is, hit Next

Intalling Java on Windows

Wait for the installation to finish…

Intalling Java on Windows

Hit Close

2. Install MySQL 8.4

Download MySQL Community Server from (a file named like mysql-8.4.0-winx64.msi), start it up and follow the installation instructions.

Intalling MySQL on Windows

Click Next

Intalling MySQL on Windows

Accept license terms, click Next

Intalling MySQL on Windows

Choose Typical

Intalling MySQL on Windows

Click Install

Intalling MySQL on Windows

Wait for the installation to finish…

Intalling MySQL on Windows

Leave Run MySQL Configurator checked, click Finish

Intalling MySQL on Windows

In the MySQL Configurator, click Next

Intalling MySQL on Windows

Leave as is, click Next

Intalling MySQL on Windows

Leave as is, click Next

Intalling MySQL on Windows

Fill in a MySQL Root Password (can be different from any other password). Click Next

Intalling MySQL on Windows

Leave as is, click Next

Intalling MySQL on Windows

Leave as is, click Next

Intalling MySQL on Windows

Leave as is, click Next

Intalling MySQL on Windows

Click Execute

Intalling MySQL on Windows

Wait for the installation to finish…

Intalling MySQL on Windows

Click Next

Intalling MySQL on Windows

Click Finish

3. Install Apache Tomcat 9.0

Note: Tomcat 10 or later are currenrtly not supported!

Download Apache Tomcat 9.0 from (choose the 32-bit/64-bit Windows Service Installer option, a file named like apache-tomcat-9.0.90.exe), start it up and follow the installation instructions.

Intalling Tomcat on Windows

Click Next

Intalling Tomcat on Windows

Accept the license by clicking I Agree

Intalling Tomcat on Windows

Leave as is, click Next

Intalling Tomcat on Windows

Leave as is, click Next

Intalling Tomcat on Windows

Leave as is, click Next

Intalling Tomcat on Windows

Leave as is, click Next

Intalling Tomcat on Windows

Wait for the installation to finish. Click Finish

Open Apache Tomcat configuration (Start > All Programs > Apache Tomcat 9.0 > Configure Tomcat). On the Java tab, set the Maximum memory pool to at least 1024 MB. If the menu option does not work, open the File Explorer, navigate to C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 9.0\bin, and open Tomcat9w.

Intalling Tomcat on Windows

This will open the Apache Tomcat 9.0 Tomcat9 Properties dialog.

Intalling Tomcat on Windows

Select Java tab, and change maximum memory pool to at least 1024 MB. Click Apply and OK.

4. Install MySQL JDBC driver

Download MySQL Connector/J driver from (choose Platform Independent ZIP Archive, a file named like Unzip the downloaded file (right-click the downloaded file and choose Extract All…). In Downloads\mysql-connector-j-8.4.0, copy the extracted mysql-connector-j-8.4.0.jar into C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 9.0\lib.

Intalling Tomcat on Windows

5. Install UniTime

Download UniTime from (a file named like and unzip it (right click the downloaded file and choose Extract All..).

5a. Create and populate the timetable database

Start the command prompt (Start > All Programs > Accessories > Command Prompt), execute:

mysql -u root -p -f <Downloads\unitime4.8_bld139\doc\mysql\schema.sql
mysql -u root -p <Downloads\unitime-4.8_bld139\doc\mysql\woebegon-data.sql

Creating the database on Windows

When prompted, use the MySQL root user password as provided in step 2.

If you get “mysql is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.” error, use "c:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 8.4\bin\mysql.exe" instead as on the above screenshot.

5b. Deploy the UniTime application

Copy web\UniTime.war from the unzipper UniTime archive to C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 9.0\webapps

Deploying UniTime.war on Windows

5c. Create UniTime custom properties file (optional step)

Create C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 9.0\conf\unitime.txt file (e.g., by using + New in the File Explorer and selecting Text Document)

Custom properties on Windows

Open in the same folder, add the following line and save it again.\\Program Files\\Apache Software Foundation\\Tomcat 9.0\\conf\\unitime.txt

Custom properties on Windows

See for more details.

6. Restart Tomcat

Open Apache Tomcat configuration (Start > All Programs > Apache Tomcat 9.0 > Configure Tomcat).

On the General tab, hit Stop if the tomcat is already running. Once stopped, hit Start (you can change the Startup type to Automatic if you with Apache Tomcat to start automatically after Windows restart).

Restarting UniTime on Windows

The Tomcat is running (you can stop the Tomcat here as well). Hit OK to close the dialog.

Now, you should be able to open UniTime at http://localhost:8080/UniTime

Logging into UniTime on Windows

And log in using the admin user (both username and password is admin)

Logging into UniTime on Windows

7. Check the logs for any errors (optional step)

The logs are located at C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 9.0\logs

UniTime Logs on Windows

All the UniTime related messages should be placed in the unitime.log, but other files (especially the catalina.<DATE>.log, tomcat9-stderr.<DATE>.log, and tomcat9-stdout.<DATE>.log) may contain useful information. If everything started as it should, there should be the following messages in the unitime.log file (abbreviated):

UniTime Logs on Windows