Edit Instructor Attribute Type

Screen Description

The Edit Instructor Attribute Type can be used to change an attribute type or to delete it. Instructor attribute types are used to categorize instructor attributes. The user needs to have Instructor Attribute Type Edit permission to be able to edit instructor attribute types. See Instructor Attribute Types for more details.

Edit Instructor Attribute Type


Each attribute type has an abbreviation, a name, and two toggles:

For example, if a teaching request strongly prefers Organic Chemistry Skill and prefers Inorganic Chemistry Skill (assuming that the Skill is a required disjunctive attribute type), an instructor must have either Organic Chemistry Skill or Inorganic Chemistry Skill (because of the required attribute type). Among these, instructors with both skills are most preferred, after which instructors with only the Organic Chemistry Skill are preferred before instructors with only the Inorganic Chemistry Skill (because of the strongly preferred preference on the Organic Chemistry Skill).

If the Skill attribute type is not marked as required attribute, instructors without the above two skills can also teach the course but are less preferred than instructors with one or both of the above two skills


Click Save to update the modified type. Button Back will get you back to Instructor Attribute Types page without making any changes. Click Delete to delete the type.

The buttons Previous and Next can be used to save the current attribute type and get to the Edit Instructor Attribute Type page for the previous / next type.