Contact Us
Screen Description
The Contact Us screen provides interface for the users to contact support people (either technical or timetabling support).

Inquiry Details
The various parts of an inquiry are
- Category
- Category of an inquiry; based on this category, the Message part is pre-populated with text indicating which information is required to successfully respond to the inquiry
- CC
- Select a manager from the list who should receive an email copy of your inquiry and click Add Recipient to add the person the list of recipients (you can add as many recipients as you need)
- You can remove a person from the list of recipients by clicking on the red X icon
- Subject
- Type in a meaningful subject for the inquiry
- Message
- Body of the message sent to the support person(s) (pre-populated with some items for certain categories)
Other means of contacts of the support team (may include office address, phone, email, and office hours). These can be defined in the application’s custom properties file, properties*
. See Timetabling Installation for more details.